Wednesday, April 29, 2009


I guess I should introduce myself, shouldn't I?

I'm Jessica. Since introducing myself often causes me a bit of anxiety, I'm going to plug in bits from a Facebook note I'm sure many of you have been "tagged" with before: 25 Facts About Me.

1. I have three pet rats, Charlie, Mochi and Wiggles. They're like little dogs. (Since then I have added four more to my little rat family: Moth, Athena, Tulong, and Ovaltine)
3. I used to love designing clothes and sewing, but now I can't be bothered to even take out my machine.
4. I've been in a relationship with Adam for 4 years. We're just getting started. :)
6. I'm a very messy person, but I pay great attention to detail when I work on things.
9. I don't drink soda. I prefer juice, water, or milk.
11. Snowboarding is probably the only sport I'd really enjoy doing.
12. I have a really long, sharp tooth. I'll bite your head off.
13. I tend to bump into things while parking.
14. I believe my parents are the best parents.
15. I HATE roaches. They serve no real purpose here on Earth and must be exterminated immediately.
20. I don't feel like I need to be doing anything extraordinary to live a fulfilling life.
21. I had an Easy Bake Oven and a Creepy Crawlers Oven when I was a kid.
22. I've played Pokemon from the Red and Blue times to the Pearl and Diamond times. And if they're not done, I'm not done.
23. I was almost born in a toilet.
25. I want to live in a completely different city or country, but I don't want to leave anyone behind.

I've been crocheting for I don't know how many years, but I remember first being introduced to it by my mom when I was just a kid. I would crochet on and off over the years, starting projects and never finishing them (now doesn't that sound familiar?). Now I'm doing it everyday and loving it. :D

I sell crocheted ear flap headbands in my Etsy shop. I have to fully credit the idea to my super cool and hip dad. He asked me one day to make him an "ear flap hat without the top." And that's where it all began.

Since then I've experimented with the idea and different designs, and still am experimenting. Expect to see more from me in the near future!